In this challenge the goal is to recognize and reassemble a jigsaw puzzle.
Sample Puzzles
Fire Truck
Here are some steps I might take:
- Count the puzzle pieces. One member recommended this might have value just to verify that all the pieces are accounted when packing away or opening the puzzle.
- Assume that the pieces are four sided with "in"-, "out"-, or "edge"-style sides. After counting, identify each piece with one of these three parameters on each of the four sides.
- (Warp/Perspective Transform) Adjust the pieces, based on perspective, to scale each piece to a standard size. In this manner, 2 outcomes: one, pieces furthur from the viewport will be treated as equal to pieces closer to the viewport, even though they will be smaller in the image; two, pieces that are rotated while also viewed at an angle will be adjusted properly so that - even though it may look like a trapezoid, a square piece would be represented as a square and not a rectangle.
by JJ Stiff - jjstiff arroba hotmail punto com - 14 August 2014